Is more violence needed to prevent future violence? Reading this article on the New York Times, tells us what our government plans on doing in Yemen and Somalia, in regards to the war against the Al Qaeda's. Although we are in danger of possible terrorism attacks at anytime, there are innocent lives in those war areas that are not part of the terror, but are threatened by us because of our pre-cautions. So how do we distinguish the good ones from the bad? Hurting the innocent is not the American way, especially individuals in there own independent country.
Robert Chesney, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin asks the counterterrorism officials, “Do the rules vary from location to location? Does the armed conflict exist only in the current combat zone, such as Afghanistan, or does it follow wherever participants may go? Who counts as a party to the conflict?" As you can tell, there are many topics and questions thats needs discussion and answers. Read more to learn more!